Maternity Leave Over?… My advice to help you cope

Hi ladies,
Today I am bringing up a sensitive subject.
Honestly, just the thought of going back to work after having my child was mentally and physically made me sick to my stomach. When I would even think about it my stomach got upset and I started getting hot flashes. How can I leave my baby? No one will ever take care of my child like me? I am the only one who knows what my child needs or wants?
Those were all the questions that ran through my head One month before returning to work. I was trying to come up with every excuse on how not to return back to work. I also was trying to find or buy more time to be at home. This was honestly one of the hardest devastating times in my life as a mom.
Well guess what I am now on baby number two and I had to return back to work twice. Let me just tell you the second time does not make it any easier however, I have found ways to cope and manage a healthy work-life balance. Let me be completely honest with you my first day back to work I walked past my bosses office at least five times and tried to open my mouth to say I was going to resign however, the words would not come out. I did survive this time yes in deed but without anyone guiding me so I had to take steps for myself.
So I am here today to give any of you moms returning back to work some inspiration and guidance that will help you manage your transition back to your career.
Tip # 1– First off when you return back to work you will be most likely breast-feeding so you need to coordinate a schedule that is good for you in your work environment. When returning to work your milk may go down mine dropped with both children. Things to remember is
- pump frequently or when your child would be eating
- Take your post natal or prenatal vitamin every day
- Try to get plenty of sleep and rest
- Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
I prefer you use a good pH water which I will link here below my favorite is Essentia
*You can find this 9.5 pH water at your local Whole Foods sprouts Walmart Amazon even Kroger
Tip #2- when returning back to work breast-feed your baby in the morning before you leave. Any kind of stimulation or extra time for mom and baby is great especially when the baby is around 12 weeks when you return to work. If you can run home on your lunch that’s a plus and feed the baby even if it’s just for a few weeks to help your child transition being away from you for eight hours a day. When you get to your child breast-feed them right away after work as well. This will help your baby still get as much feedings in as possible.
Tip # 3– if you can during the day call the day care or whomever is sitting your child and let your baby just hear your voice so your child knows you have not completely abandoned them and you’re still around. This is very important to still make your baby feel secure and safe. They know nothing but you and your smell for the past 12 weeks and all of a sudden there either in a new place or with a new person.
Tip # 4– when returning from work try not to make appointments to the gym or getting your nails done stay home with baby as much as you can the first year. Now I’m not saying not to take time out for yourself is very important but it is a small sacrifice to be with your child when they are in the phase of needing you the most which is the first 12 months. I recommend sneaking out when your baby can get a little daddy bonding time.
Tip #5– OK so establishing a dinner routine can be challenging. I am the type of mom who loves to make gourmet meals for my family. However I have come to the conclusion that getting home from work around five and putting your baby to bed at eight does not leave a lot of time together. So for the first few months when returning back to work I tried to make meals that we can eat leftovers for days. Also, I just tried to make easy quick healthy meals meal planning is a must.
Tip#6– Love on your baby as much as possible they are only this age once and need all the nurturing they can get. You can never get any of these infant moments back and I believe in lots of snuggling hugs and cuddling 24/7 during the most critical role thriving phase of infancy.
Tip# 7– OK here is the biggest part it’s all about routine routine routine!! I cannot stress that enough after returning to work your routine will change again just like it changed when you brought the baby home from the hospital. Once you get back to work I give you about three weeks to develop a nice solid routine and trust me everything will start working out and you will feel so much better! Around the three week mark is when your brain kind of says OK mama you got this under control now! Just think statistics say moms who work produce high achieving children who often become entrepreneurs and world leaders. My husband thinks that previous statement sounds stupid however it is very true I saw a 20/20 special on it last year.
Maybe in a working mom I am able to travel with my kids and take them to beautiful places something I did not get to do as a kid. So vacation time is a perfect time for families to spend quality time all together. I am also able to save for their college and future needs as well. So that helps me feel a little bit better about leaving them to some degree.
So moms if you were sweating or having bad nightmares about going to work don’t worry if I can do it you can do it! It will all be OK once your routine falls into place. I hope I was able to give you some inspiration and feel a little bit better knowing you have to return back to work after having your little bundle of joy!
Please tell me what do you think the hardest challenge will be when returning to work I may be able to give you some advice?
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