Baby Must Haves

Hi moms,
I wanted to share some of the best baby items I have found since giving birth to my son three months ago. First off, I really like to sport some fun and trendy items in my home. What I have found has proved to be great quality and add some fabulously cute designs to his room.
1st up:
Lorena Canal Rugs– Click here
Look no further if you were wanting the perfect rug for your little one space this is the best. The reason why I am calling it one of the best decor products is because it is washable. Yes moms I said it is washable which makes it perfect to be on my canoneloves faves list. They also have really cute rug runners to use in your kitchen or even any other space needing a little jazz. My next purchase will be a really cute rug for the kids playroom. This company keeps coming out with trendy designs during the year and always keeping it fresh which I love. Oh and I forgot to mention did you know they sell their rugs at Norstrom’s. so if you are needing any Nordstrom Notes this is a fab purchase.
Finn and Emma – Click here
Look no further! If you’re wanting organic cotton for your baby they have the cutest and trendy little clothing for your little. Plus, I absolutely love the play gym which is made of wood with cute little animals. I have had my eye on that for a long time and may just be my next purchase. I have their cotton pajamas for my children and they wash up perfectly and very soft. We also have one of their really cute baby lovey’s. (pictured below)
Milestone Baby – Click here
Ok moms you know every little milestone needs to be documented. So I am in love with these cards that can capture every milestone like babies first smile, share how many weeks or months they have turned. You can take really cute photos and put in your baby book. These will be memories you can look back on years from now.
Last but not least
Dockatot –Click here
This by far has been the biggest lifesaver. The day we got home from the hospital we immediately put my son in this and he slept amazingly 6 hrs. Babies love that secure feeling and the dockatot does just that. It also comes in really cute colors and patterns. This is definitely one item every mom should have for their newborn. Also visit the link above they have different sizes for different ages.
So to all my followers I thank you for reading this post. I wish you all the best and hope you get to experience these great items as well. Take care hope you have a great week happy hump day!
** The above is a sponsored post and all of my thoughts on this review our my own. Truly are amazing products